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Published on April 28, 2014 News

Cases and investigations in the first quarter of 2014

A total of 2,027 submissions were received in the first quarter of 2014, which is down 230 compared to the same period last year. The number of cases in relation to public administration slightly declined – 1,138 cases received, which means 186 fewer than in the first quarter of 2013. The percentage of cases outside the sphere of the authority as defined by the Public Defender of Rights Act did not show major changes (I.Q 2014 [889; 44%]; I.Q 2013 [933; 41%]).

In addition, a total of 79 cases claiming unequal treatment within the area of public administration and on the part of private persons were received.  Discrimination within the Antidiscrimination Act was claimed in 41 cases. In the area of protection against discrimination, assistance was provided to international entities or domestic bodies in a total of 15 cases.  

Further, 6 systematic visits were made to supervise the restriction of personal freedom. In connection with the powers concerning the monitoring of the detention of foreigners and administrative expulsion procedures, 678 monitoring rulings were received. One escort was carried out during which the expulsion of a foreigner was monitored.

In the public administration agenda, most cases received again related to social security – 326, followed by cases relating to building proceedings and town planning – 109, and by cases relating to the prison system, police and army – 81. 


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