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Published on September 30, 2009 News

Steps of the head of a children’s home in the relocation of a minor

Steps of the head of a children’s home in the relocation of a minor

The Defender opened an inquiry into the steps of the head of the Kralupy nad Vltavou children’s home in the relocation of a minor. The Defender was addressed by the father of a friend of a minor who had been relocated from the children’s home to a reformatory. The complainant pointed out improper conduct of the head of the children’s home who fabricated facts regarding the boy’s problems, etc. He also pointed out that the boy would be unable to complete his studies at an apprentice school due to the relocation, although he had only five weeks left until the end of his studies. The boy agreed with the inquiry into the steps of the head.

The Defender performed an unannounced local inquiry in the reformatory, talked with the boy and subsequently called on the reformatory to submit file documents showing the serious problems on the basis of which the head of the children’s argued in her request for relocation. The Defender also invited the head of the apprentice school and the head of the diagnostic institution that had made the decision on the boy’s relocation to provide their statements.

In the meantime the boy reached legal age and left the reformatory. The Defender is now preparing a report on the results of his inquiry.



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