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Published on October 17, 2024 News

V4 Ombudsmen Meet in Smolenice to Discuss State and Protection of Human Rights

A three-day working summit of ombudsmen from the Visegrad Group countries is held in Smolenice, Slovakia. This time it is the 20th anniversary of the summit, and thus a joint cooperation of ombudsman institutions in the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and the Slovak Republic.

"Our meetings of representatives of the V4 ombudsman institutions are unique in the political situation. We try to help on this platform by sharing knowledge and mutual cooperation," said czech ombudsman Stanislav Křeček.

"It's important that our mutual exchange of experience doesn't remain only at the level of formalities, but that we try to promote good examples and practical experience in our countries with the aim of increasing human-right standards," said slovak ombudsman Róbert Dobrovodský.

Ombudsmen are dedicated  to the boundary between social policy and the fulfilment of obligations arising from social rights as fundamental rights: the right to housing, the competences of ombudsmen in relation to health insurers or what roles local government has in removing sources of noise in municipalities and towns.

Another topic of the summit is the legal arrangement of relations between landowners and the public sector in the V4 countries. They will settling up to terms with the "legacy" of socialism in the form of collectivisation of private land in the public interest.

The human rights aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic will also be discussed. In this context, ombudsmen from the V4 countries will share their findings and recommendations to prevent violations of fundamental rights and freedoms in the event of a similar situation.

They will also deal with the current challenges and experiences of the V4 countries with the performance of the mandate of the National Preventive Mechanism. Specifically, how it works in facilities where persons are deprived of their liberty, the human rights challenges posed by migratory flows, and more. 




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